Monday, 1 June 2009

Sweden Democrat: "Immigrants are Primitive Individuals"

Sveriges Radio International - English -- Engelska

Elena Yurkovskaya, SD:s EU-kandidat. Foto: Fredrik Persson/Scanpix.

One of the xenophobic Sweden Democrat party's candidates to the European Parliament has called immigrants to Sweden "primitive individuals" and claims that many have over 2000 parasites in their bodies. Elena Yurkovskaya also says that many of them are only qualified to pick up chewing gum from the pavements. She made the comments on a party trip earlier this year, and they were caught on a hidden microphone.

Speaking to Swedish Radio's Kaliber programme, Yurkovskaya still claims today that her comments can't be construed as offensive.

"No, it isn't offensive. I can take all kinds of criticism myself, if it's constructive and if something can be done about it. After all, people can be dewormed and sent to school. It's not hopeless".

Yurkovskaja is number 17 on the Sweden Democrat ballot to next week's European election, the party does not currently have a single MEP and is currently hovering below the 4% threshhold to get a seat in the new parliament.

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